Sunday, 20 April 2014

critical reflection

I could not deny that the reason why I took up this particular module was because I did not have a choice, without clearing the Qualifying English Test (QET) completely. A year ago, when I recieved my Alevels results, I was glad that i managed to grasp a pass grade in my General Paper, and I will not have the need to struggle with English Language again in the future. However i was shocked when I came to know about the QET. English Language have always been a terrifying subject as no matter how much I tried and attempted to study for it, my grades remain bad.

After attending this module, I came to realised that i have always been in a vicious cycle, where my dislike towards English Language resulted in my procrastination in identifying the problems I had with English. It hindered me in trying to understand what my actual problems are. Therefore I have learnt to put aside my dislike, and with the aid of this module, I am able to realise the underlying reason for my bad grades in English.

This module brings me back to the very basic of English Language, which is grammar, what tense and what word form is to be used under which situations. Simple techniques such as summary skills and identifying the important information have also been covered. This is really helpful because I realised that I have yet to grasp even the most basic grammar knowledge, therefore not being able to perform well in the different Language-based examinations.

One vast difference between this module and the the other modules is that it is alot more light-hearted and free. In another words, you are able to voice out your opinions and have the opportunity to listen to others. Unlike the other science modules i took, they are usually fixed and not flexible. In addition, I do find the idea of creating a blog to keep a record of the different essays written is a new and interesting idea, needless to say useful. This is thus one area by which I enjoy in this module.

In addition, throughout the course, I have also realises the need and importance of knowledge. ES1102 is not just all about the use of language as a tool to express yourself, it also teaches you that the relevant information and ideas are equally important. In the course of my reaseach for the problem-solution essay, I have understood global issues more throughly. At the same time, it sends across the message that there are many events happening around me that i am unaware of. In addition, in the process of critising my peers essay, i have gained additional knowledge and came to know more about globalisation and the different opinions people have towards such global issues.

In conclusion, the main takeaways are firstly the many basics of English Language that I have yet to equip myself with and seondly, the importance of knowledge and some that I have obtained from this module. On the whole, it has been a pleasent and light-hearted module that allows me to pick up many skills that are going to be extremely useful to me in the future when I start to work in the working society.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Rebecca, for this comprehensive reflection on your prior experience, expectations, and then of various aspects of our learning in ES1102. I'm happy that you've been able to better understand your language needs and weaknesses. It also warms my heart that the classroom environment struck you as "lighthearted." Hopefully, that translates into stress free work.

    One area that you don't mention is your plan for the future (referencing Gibb's model of reflection). How do you suppose you can best address continuing needs?

    In any case, it's been a pleasure working with you this term. Best wishes as you continue your learning journey.
